The voicemail field in your Android cellphone can shortly refill, particularly should you obtain lots of calls. In the event you do not empty your voicemail field repeatedly, you could miss necessary messages or run out of cupboard space. Happily, emptying your voicemail on Android is a fast and simple course of. On this article, we’ll present you learn how to do it in just some easy steps.
To empty your voicemail on Android, open the Telephone app and faucet the Voicemail tab. You may see a listing of all of your voicemail messages. To delete a message, faucet the Delete icon subsequent to it. You may as well delete a number of messages directly by tapping the Choose All button after which tapping the Delete icon. As soon as you have deleted the messages you need to take away, faucet the Empty Voicemail button to empty your voicemail field.
If you wish to save a voicemail message, faucet the Save icon subsequent to it. It can save you the message to your cellphone’s inside storage or to a microSD card. To take heed to a saved voicemail message, open the Information app and navigate to the folder the place the message is saved. Faucet the message to play it.
How To Empty Voicemail On Android
Voicemail messages can pile up and take up worthwhile house in your Android cellphone. It is a good suggestion to empty your voicemail repeatedly to unlock house and maintain your cellphone working easily.
To empty your voicemail on Android, comply with these steps:
- Open the Telephone app.
- Faucet the Voicemail tab.
- Lengthy-press on any voicemail message.
- Faucet the Delete icon.
- Repeat this course of for the entire voicemail messages you need to delete.
- Open the Telephone app.
- Faucet the Voicemail tab.
- Faucet the Menu icon (three dots within the top-right nook of the display).
- Faucet Settings.
- Faucet Voicemail quantity.
- Enter your voicemail quantity.
- Faucet OK.
After you have deleted the entire voicemail messages, faucet the Again button to return to the primary Telephone display.